Zygomatic Implants And Jaw Bone Loss 

Zygomatic Implants

Traditional dental implants may not always be a suitable option for patients who have experienced significant bone loss in their upper jaw. However, zygomatic implants offer an excellent alternative solution, as these specialized implants provide a unique anchoring ability that overcomes the challenges posed by bone loss. This article will delve into how zygomatic implants work and their advantages. 

How Zygomatic Implants Work for Patients with Jaw Bone Loss 

Zygomatic implants are designed to bypass the need for anchoring to the jawbone, instead anchoring to the zygomatic bone or the cheekbone. Using the cheekbone as a foundation, these implants provide a secure base for prosthetic teeth. They offer a viable solution for those with severe bone loss in the upper jaw who cannot undergo traditional implants or bone grafting procedures. 

These implants offer several significant benefits for those who do not qualify for traditional implants, including:

  • No Need For Bone Grafting: Zygomatic implants do not need bone grafting procedures to succeed. When the implant post is inserted into the zygomatic bone, it provides the same amount of stability and support without additional bone augmentation. 
  • Same-Day Placement: Zygomatic implants can be installed the same day as temporary tooth prosthetics, providing better convenience for patients seeking more immediate solutions for their oral health. 
  • Shorter Treatment Time: When the implant fuses with the zygomatic bone, it can take approximately four to six months with proper recovery methods, whereas a bone graft procedure followed by a traditional implant can take between nine to 12 months on average to fully heal. 
  • High Success Rate: Zygomatic implants have a similar success rate to traditional dental implants and is considered a safe, reliable method for rehabilitating problems with the upper jaw. 

When it comes to implant treatment, choosing a dental practice specializing in bone grafting and alternative implant methods is essential, as they can offer solutions for your specific condition. At University Oral Surgery Center, our team can provide oral and orthognathic solutions for your missing teeth and tailor our treatment options to your needs. 

Through specialized training and compassionate dental care, our dentists, led by Dr. Ramin Shabtaie, possess extensive expertise in surgical implants. Here’s why we recommend choosing our practice for your implants: 

  • Personalized Treatment Plans: During your initial consultation, our dentists thoroughly evaluate your oral health, jaw structure, and aesthetic goals. 
  • State-of-the-Art Technology: We invest in cutting-edge equipment such as cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and intraoral scanners, enhancing diagnostic accuracy and better implant placement. 
  • Comprehensive Range of Implant Services: Whether you require a single-tooth implant, implant-supported bridge, or full-arch restoration, our team has the expertise to deliver exceptional outcomes.
  • Comfort and Quality Care: Our friendly and compassionate team is dedicated to providing gentle care and ensuring comfort throughout your implant treatment. 
  • Patient-Centered Approach: We strive to create a warm and welcoming environment where you feel heard, understood, and valued. Our priority is ensuring your comfort and informing you throughout your dental journey.

Contact Us For Your Zygomatic Treatment Needs

Call our team at (310) 208-3471 to schedule a consultation. We are located in Los Angeles, CA, and are committed to providing you with the dental solutions you need most for a healthy smile. 

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