Advantages of Implants

Implants Bridges Partial Dentures Full Dentures
Ability to Chew Optimal – Better than the other options Usually good Use other teeth for support; usually poor Poor
Esthetics Most natural Usually good Usually have clasps that show Plastic teeth and gingiva appear unnatural
Durability Considered to be permanent Average lifetime is 8 years Need adjustments and replacements frequently Usually redone every 5 years
Maintenance Routine check-up and good oral hygiene Routine check-up and good oral hygiene Routine check-up and good oral hygiene Routine check-up and good oral hygiene
Practicality In most cases, very practical Not possible if adjacent teeth are not present Impractical if adjacent teeth are of poor quality Not practical if underlying bone is resorbed
Comfort Most comfortable Difficult to floss under Can be uncomfortable Can be uncomfortable
Damage to Adjacent Teeth Not applicable Adjacent teeth permanently damaged during fabrication Remaining teeth altered and damaged during fabrication Not applicable
Cost Comparable to the other options Depends on number of missing teeth Varies Varies
Bone Support Preserves boney structures of the jaws No bone support Destroys boney support Destroys boney support
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