Before Intravenous Anesthesia Sedation

When oral surgery is necessary, some form of anesthesia is almost always called for. This can be an intimidating prospect for some who are in need of a procedure. This concern is unwarranted at the University Oral Surgery Center. We have an expert team of oral surgeons and anesthesiologists who are trained to safely relieve the pain and anxiety of oral surgery. If you have an oral surgery procedure scheduled with our facility or would like to learn what anesthesia options we offer, read on.
Did you know…
Did you know that intravenous anesthesia sedation is a very safe and effective means of preventing pain and reducing patient anxiety during a surgical procedure? Furthermore, it can be administered from the comfort of an oral surgeon’s office, often preventing the need to be admitted to a hospital. Unlike most dentists, who use local anesthetics, an oral surgeon can quickly complete complex procedures while a patient is comfortably asleep.
Administration of Anesthesia from University Oral Surgery on Vimeo.
Anesthesia Options Offered by UOSC
General anesthesia, local anesthesia, and IV sedation are the three forms offered by our facility. Each of them is appropriate for different kinds of treatment.
- Local Anesthesia – This is the most basic form of anesthesia and one of the most frequently used. The goal of using it is to numb as small an area as necessary. This means the focus is on the treatment area and is common in treating gum disease and tooth decay. It is most appropriate for cases where the surgery is minor and can be completed quickly. With local anesthesia, you’ll remain conscious throughout but won’t feel any pain. At most, you’ll experience a mild sense of pressure at the treatment area. In some cases, you’ll also receive nitrous oxide with a local anesthetic. This is a mild gas sedative that can be precisely controlled and is primarily used for easing anxiety. Recovery from nitrous oxide is quick, taking place within minutes of removing the gas.
- IV Sedation – As the name implies, this form of sedation is administered through an IV. This type of sedation allows a more generalized but precisely timed period of sedation. Those under IV sedation often remember conversations before and after the procedure but little else of the treatment itself.
- General Anesthesia – This anesthesia is used for extensive surgeries. When people talk about being ‘put under for a procedure, this is the form of anesthesia used. General anesthesia will be used in cases where the surgery is extensive, such as having a dental implant placed, a wisdom tooth removed, or another large-scale oral surgery. With general anesthesia, you’ll be completely unconscious throughout the procedure and will be unable to drive for several hours after waking. Be certain to bring someone who can drive you home after the procedure with you.
These are the three types of anesthesia used by Dr. Shabtaie at the University Oral Surgery Center. The specific form used will depend on your preferences, the opinion of the surgeon, and largely on the type of procedure being performed.
Call Today To Learn More About Anesthetic Options
If you have an upcoming procedure at the University Oral Surgery Center and want to know more about our anesthesia options, Call us today. We’ll arrange for a consultation at our facility with one of our anesthesia specialists. They’ll go over the available options, including which form has been selected for your procedure. We’re happy to help you feel comfortable and secure with your options before the procedure day comes.