Bone Grafting

Certain forms of restoration and cosmetic dentistry may require the jawbone to be strong enough to sustain them. When the jawbone has undergone degradation due to disease or wear and tear, bone grafting may be necessary. This process helps to reinforce the strength of existing bone without the need for extensive surgery. When done properly, the bone will be strengthened sufficiently and patient discomfort minimalized. The University Oral Surgery Center provides bone grafting services to patients in Los Angeles, CA, and the surrounding areas.


Types Of Bone Grafting And Why They May Be Necessary

Defects can appear in the jawbone for a variety of reasons. Among the most common reason is an advanced periodontal disease that causes the jawbone to degrade. Extractions can also lead to the bone shrinking and becoming weaker as the need to support teeth is reduced. Trauma is another common reason that a patient’s jawbone may need to undergo reconstruction. Which type of bone grafting will be necessary will depend largely on the nature of the injury.

  • Major Bone Grafting – This procedure is used to repair major defects to the jaw. In these cases, the preferred material for repairing the jaw is the patient’s own bone. The necessary bone will be harvested from the knee, hip, or skull in most individuals. This type of procedure is usually called for when the patient has suffered a traumatic injury, congenital defects are present, or tumors have been removed. Most cases involving major bone grafts will require a stay in the hospital after the graft.
  • Minor Bone Grafting – When a patient lacks sufficient bone to stabilize an implant, a minor bone graft may be necessary. Only bone grafting, a sinus lift procedure, and ridge preservation treatments are all types of minor bone grafting.

In almost every case, the reason a bone graft will be necessary is due to bone loss. The reason for this bone loss varies, with common reasons being:

  • Dental Infections, often from advanced gingivitis or periodontal disease
  • Traumatic injuries, such as a from a car accident or fall
  • Previous dental extractions remove support from the bone, causing it to shrink

The goal of a bone graft is to make the jawbone taller or wider so it can support the patient’s jaw or the desired restoration. It’s accomplished by filling in the void in the jaw and encouraging bone to grow to correct defects. The jawbone can be restructured, deformities addressed, and more support supplied for the patient’s oral structures. It can also be applied as a way to prevent bone loss from periodontal disease or tooth extraction.

Discover How Your Specialist Will Reinforce Your Jawbone

Bone grafts are accomplished using a variety of materials. As mentioned previously, the preferred source for the needed bone is the patient’s own body. Large bony areas such as the hip, thighbone, skull, or knee are common sources. When this isn’t possible, your oral surgeon may suggest the use of an allograft. Allografts are bone that is obtained from a cadaver but may also refer to synthetic bone sources. In other cases, Dr. Shabtaie may suggest the use of a xenograft, which is animal sources bone. Bovine and porcine bone is the most common sources of this bone material.